Crisis, Danger, and Opportunity

“The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis. ' One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger- but recognize the opportunity.”
We are all challenged every day, with almost every daily decision, to deal with the crisis of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. I too have been greatly challenged and have made a painful decision to close both the Earley Wellness Group practice and my office in Dupont Circle.
The opportunity of this decision is I will continue to service and provide acupuncture and herbal medicine to the Washington D.C. area as a solo practitioner. I am currently looking for new space to treat clients with an emphasis on locating close to my current office. Many decisions are still uncertain, but here is a summary of information about the Earley Wellness Group:
- Dupont Circle's Earley Wellness Group Closed in July 2020
- Deb is looking to re-locate close to the previous office with a projected reopening in October 2020.
- Jim currently is working with home visits. Contact him at
- Deb will be keeping you posted by newsletters, emails, and social media posts on Facebook and the website, and you are always welcome to contact me directly.
- Shawna and Ashley both have moved out of the local area and are no longer available
I look forward to the new opportunity that these decisions will bring. In particular, I love my time with clients and helping you all with acupuncture. I am already finding new opportunities and have signed up for a neuro-acupuncture training that I have not had time to attend in the last 5 years. This program is amazing and should add another major acupuncture technique for clients.
Health blessings and safe journeying till we meet again!