Exciting Changes at Earley Wellness Group

Pictured above are Jim, Jan, Deb, Dexter, Ashley, and Felix
On Deb's desk is a quote, "Life is change, growth is optional." Well, change is here at Earley Wellness Group.
Thanks and Good Luck to Jan
First, we want to wish Jan good luck and well wishes on her new endeavor. Jan has decided to move closer to her home to work at Blue Heron Wellness in Silver Spring, MD. Jan has worked at Earley Wellness Group for over three years, and we will miss her. Jan is an amazing practitioner and we all wish her nothing but the best!
Welcome Back, Ashley!
Earley Wellness Group wants to welcome Ashley back from maternity leave! She gave birth to her second son, Felix (pictured at right with Deb), and everyone is healthy. She's looking forward to being back in the office on November 1st, so be sure to schedule an appointment with her.
AcuYoga Workshop is Back!
If you missed out on the last AcuYoga workshop, now is your chance to sign up!
WHEN: Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017, 2:30-4:30 PM
WHERE: YogaWorks - Dupont Circle, 1632 17th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009
Join EWG acupuncturist and herbalist Ashley Mahood Paraiso for this two-hour workshop to experience the ultimate delight of a combined yoga practice and acupuncture treatment. Tranquil Space instructor Megan Bracy will guide students through a flow yoga practice. During an extended savasana, Ashley will insert needles to provide an auricular (outer ear) acupuncture treatment that will help improve organ function, improve the flow of qi, and deepen relaxation.
Through our yoga practice and acupuncture treatment, we will align ourselves with the seasonal movement of fall to winter. During this transition, nature, without mourning or attachment, lets go that which no longer serves in order to tend its deepest roots. The trees let go their leaves, the autumn wind reminds us that life is fleeting. The days grow shorter and darker as nature prepares itself for the long, cold, dark winter. It is common to experience emotional and/or physical imbalance in the fall and winter as life asks us to gear up for work and school and holidays, while nature is asking us to simplify and let go. Join us for this workshop to tend your inner fall and winter.
Please contact Ashley at Ashley@earleywellnessgroup.com with questions or click here to register. $60.